EpiTOme Genetics
Your Health, Your Way
EpiTOme Genetics is a Canadian Bio-Technology company using state-of-the-art technology to provide individuals, businesses and health care providers with reliable diagnostic and health screening tools.
Testing Partners

Through our national and regional testing partners, we provide fast and reliable PCR COVID-19 testing services appropriate for travel and personal peace of mind.

Health & Wellness Tests
We strive to be Canada’s leading Integrative Medicine Laboratory by providing innovative screening and diagnostic solutions. Our recently launched GI Health Screening Kit is available exclusively through In-Common Labs

As Canada’s premier molecular research and reference laboratory, we work collaboratively with Canada’s leading researchers and institutions to develop and validate tools for some of the most pressing healthcare issues globally.

For Healthcare
We provide healthcare professionals (MDs, Pharmacists, LTC, NDs etc.) with a comprehensive suite of diagnostics tools to ensure patients receive the best possible results in the shortest possible time.

Google Reviews

News & Press Releases
BC Couple Places Ad in Newspaper to for Family Doctor
New GI Health Screening Kit Available to Healthcare Providers
We’re Charting the Future of Healthcare
Ready to get the best solution for your business?
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Your Health Your Way
We envision a future where individuals have greater control over their health through innovative personal diagnostic and screening tools coupled with technology to deliver and interpret results. EpiTECH, our proprietary, industry leading blockchain based software, puts health records directly into the hands of individuals.